
Let me introduce myself. I'm a 42 year old mother of triplet 20 year old boys. Yep, that's my only claim to fame*LOL* . They've moved out..and my job has become..stressful.Currently I joined a couple of knitting groups.And they in turn have people..that knit.(no..really??) .and have blogs..So I figured..why not!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Holy Cow

ok after a year of trying to regain my blog ..i finally wiggled around the create google account off of this site..i went and created one on their site..phew. In the meantime..i went to the Big E and aquired a of the dirty thing will's not even a whole fleece..only 4 lbs
:) i'm happy my invitation to Nice!! ..organizing my stash and stuff

Thursday, January 04, 2007

family portrait..and christmas

Well..Christmas is new balls of yarn..but my other half did buy me my very own digital camera!this way I can stop asking him for his..and it came with a printer! woohooo..and a 10 second took a family portrait..I had this many people in a 24x32 foot room..and two cats..can't forget my was so much fun..each of them spent two nights..we varied my boys had a night to themselves..and his kids had a night to themselves..I bought an egg timer for computer time..since we had 9 kids and three computers plus game they all had an hour on and an hour off..I'm so into organizing there were three nerf dart guns..though I probably should of gotten one for his daughter..she had as much fun with the boys toys if not more!

Friday, December 08, 2006


It's the strangest thing..the spinning kit I bought came with three different feeling fleece rovings/slivers..still unsure of terminology..the brown which was what I figured I'd start with was all fluff..when I tugged on the end trying to grab a strand it was miniscule..of course that was the one I was trying to learn on..and made dreadlocks..all pretty short idea how I join..and no matter how hard I tried..I kept ending up with these matty balls in my hands..from sweaty palms and pulling out the slubs...I decided to try the rough wool..which was already dyed a lovely teal...did the pet the kitty thing..and started splitting the them to pencil size and started spinning..what I ended up with was single ply and about 6 yards..hmmm..not alot a person can make out of 6 yards of yarn..but at least it doesn't look like dread locks! came out kind of..normal..if it was a normal three ply yarn*LOL* it wasn't all that bad and only took me an hour total by hand..Unfortunatly now my throat is scratchy..will have to think if I should be doing this outside..of course right now it's 25 degrees F out..a little cold to be sitting in a chair outside..
On another note..the other day I had to give my cats a pill..actually..1 1/2 pills for one..and 1 for the lil girly..and anyone that has cats knows what a task that can be..well my first time trying to accomplish that..had love o my life hold the cat..since he figured he'd gag when the cat does..and putting his fingers in the cats mouth is way down on his wish list!!(like I wanted to do it or something?!!)So..coat the pill in butter and freeze..did the lil girly all on my own thank you very much..but when it comes to Bast! He's 20 lbs of grouch when we remember to wrap the kitty in a towel for less scratches?? noooooo...did we put gloves on ???....noooooo...did we end up with bandages and holes on our various appendages??You betcha!!..nothing like trying to shuffle cards at work with multiple bandaides adorning our piggies! time I'm gonna get a friend to make me chain mail gauntlets!!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

You Are Dasher

You're an independent minded reindeer who never plays by the rules.

Why You're Naughty: That little coup you tried to stage against Santa last year

Why You're Nice: You secretly give naughty children presents.

You know I had to sneak this from smariek's blog

Monday, December 04, 2006

my knitting spinning and tails

Well that about said it all..this week was interesting..My mysty baby needed to get..fixed..poor thing..they shaved her tummy..what a good girl she was..I followed their directions and put her in a seperate room that night....though how she managed to get out of a locked bathroom I have no clue*sigh* silly..
The other thing I've gotten into was spinning..though this is definitly harder than it looked..instead of yarn I seem to be making dark brown dreadlocks!..and my throat is getting scratchy..I think my allergy is showing up again....but I so want to go from sheep to sweater..or in this case..socks!!I just need to see if someone would be willing to sit with me and show me what to sloooow motion..
I've fallen for sock knitting..what the perfect thing to stuff in my work purse and take with do in my spare time..though making a sock in size 12 mens is not easy!..these magic socks are for my son..He's already told me it's a good thing he has boots cause they aren't a color he wants others to see!tee heee..I just ordered a bunch of stuff from knitpicks..what a good price on the sensational knitted socks book..alot less than at AC Moore...and some lovely tropical colored yarn...this should be fun..
Oh..I forgot to mention what happened on my pictures..all seem to have my hand in front of them..of course I hadn't pre looked at them.even with a digital camera .I think it must be a genetic thing..I can remember looking at pictures with thumbprints on them for our farfunkel(what my family called themselves on our trips to the beach) outings..and not one of them had the socks I was trying to hold up in them!! to you next time


this is me..scary huh?.I swear my hair isn't this red..that's..just..creepy..

My mysty baby..she's a good lil girl

these are my magic stripes..

pink socks..done in wool-ease worsted weight with size #3 needles

my monthly dishcloth KAL project..ohh..can you see it??

picture 6

and in case someone was wondering what the love of my life looks like..

Monday, November 27, 2006

magic stripes

I am actually wrestling with socks..I bought Magic Stripes by lionbrand..and am finding the pattern that came with it confusing without the pictures....but the worst part is..I'm bending my bamboo needles because the yarn is so small to hold onto! My hands are exceedingly sore..Someone asked me the other day what price I would sell them for..I have no clue..nor do I feel I'm experienced enough to sell what I make..I'd love to see how long it takes me to do these socks..but free time is I'm doing some major cleaning also on my nights off..
I finished the socks done in Wool-Ease in the worsted weight..what lovely fluffy fuzzy socks they made..hid any mistakes!
Oh..also..I just bought a lovely!! spinning if I could just figure out what to do with these slivers of yarn(that's what they are called..)..not sure if this is ready for spinning?? or if it needs one more step*LOL* foolish me ..I always seem to jump in with both feet and a blindfold!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

heading on a train

Ok..I've got a well deserved mini vacation coming up to go to new train..1 night in a hotel..a stop at a club..then a bus tour..I'm definitly going to bring my knitting..maybe a pair of socks I can pictures of all the places they've been just like that place that had the traveling gnome